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Our Core Values
People may join an organization, a business, a group, or an outreach because they share the same vision, but we believe that in order to walk and work together, we must also share the same core values. Community connections must go deeper than sharing a similar vision for people.
Fruitful Life (formerly Urban Life Church) is a 21st century ministry built on these Biblical principles and values.

  • We value Christ (The True Mission, Purpose and Person of Jesus Christ)

  • We value Communion (Prayer/ Self-examination/ Remembering Christ)

  • We value Church (Faith families who declare and demonstrate God's love in everyday life)

  • We value Covenant (God's commitment and promises to us; Our commitment and promises to God and one another)

  • We value Character (Lives of Purity and Integrity)

  • We value Community (Fellowship/ Unity/ Connection/ Camaraderie)

  • We value the Commission (Inspire, encourage and call others to become followers of Christ)

  • We value Coaching (Equipping people to serve - Ephesians 4)

  • We value Challenges (Opposition creates a need for wisdom; the most important thing we'll ever acquire.)

  • We value the Contiuum (Flowing in all seasons and establishng a legacy)

We trust these are the values you are looking for as you explore this life-development church and ministry.

“Can two walk together unless they are agreed?”- Amos 3:3 (NKJV)

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