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Community of Servants


We are a community of servants.  

We encourage you and your family to reach out to your local community because we have been assigned to serve the hopeless, the homeless and the helpless. 

"Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble..."  

---James 1:27a

These are some of the ways we are supporting local, national and international communities:

Apartment Life

We are supporting AJ & Shavaun Jackson, who are currently serving as domestic missionaries with an international outreach organization known as Apartment Life.  

As Apartment Life Coordinators, they provide CARE, inspiring vibrant CONNECTIONS with Christ, and they'll be helping others to answer the CALL to do the same.


They give hope and encouragement to approximately 600-plus (mostly Hindu) residents by hosting amazing events within the community and creating intentional moments for Holy Spirit-led interventions, as many are still navigating loss, loneliness, and many unbearable challenges. The Jacksons also support the apartment owners and their staffs by increasing retention and reducing turnover.

In addition to Apartment Life, they also work with a local church, volunteering their services in overseeing the worship and they provide training and guidance for the youth ministry in the area of worship.


They're also providing assistance with that church's outreach program and ministry known as Celebrate Recovery. This is a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurts, hang-ups, and habits of any kind.

Blessings of Hope


The mission at Blessings of Hope is to feed the hungry by facilitating partnerships between food suppliers and nonprofits in a way that brings God’s blessings to both. We are committed to empowering churches and ministries to build relationships in their communities through food and acts of love.

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Wild Heart Ministries

Building Bridges to Transform Communities


Wildheart is located in the heart of Allison Hill, an impoverished neighborhood in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Standing on years of history in ministry to the community, they have taken over a historic mansion that stands out among the ruins of our city.

Hope, honor and sustainability have become the values that have catalyzed a transformative community of believers who have committed themselves to empowering others, to pioneer love in their own cities and nations.


Locally, they have an initiative called “Love The Hill” which is focused on restoring and beautifying The Hill, while empowering its residents to break the chains and cycle of poverty. Wild Heart provides service and sponsorship opportunities for anyone who desires to impact their communities with the life-changing power of the simple Gospel.

Life Coaching Scholarships
Do It For These

We're providing life coaching support for people in under-served communities, and training for those who desire to work there. 

Most of the people that we serve don't have the means to obtain top-quality life coaching.  So we support them.  LIFE COACHING WORKS because it is much more than motivational speaking. We provide the practical tools that help people START AGAIN after some critical or traumatic event has disrupted their lives. We don't criminalize the people who have hit upon hard times.  Instead, we provide love and care.

Become a Community Builder

1. Invest in your own community. Your community has to know and believe that you really do care for them. Think globally and work locally. Begin by investing on your home front.

2. Engage key community leaders. We think you should know who the leaders in the community are, and know as many of them personally as possible. You may not be able to know the mayor of your city, depending on the city’s size, but could you know your local council representative? Could you know a school board member? We attended monthly community meetings, as well as government-sponsored luncheons and non-profit fundraisers, and made great connections. 

3. Listen to your community’s concerns. This is a statement that we posted on our website: "Build a successful business, not only by selling a dynamic product and providing great customer service, but by connecting with your local community to help solve problems."  Listen to learn what is most important to them. For instance, if youth suicide is your community's biggest concern, but you don't feel called to work with youth, then find a way to connect what you do with the solutions. You may not work directly with youth, but you might work with those who do.

4. Lift what's already working – Instead of making your initial focus all about the solutions you have to offer, find out about the positives in your community and celebrate those successes even as you address the problems. Become a voice of encouragement for those who are already doing good work. 

5. Learn your community. Do you know your community’s demographics? Do you know its historical significance? Do you know its recent history? Do you know the underserved populations within your community. Study what has already been attempted to bring about change. Learn about what was successful and why. Learn about what failed and why. 

6. Build a community network. You never know when you’re going to need it. Yes, there will always be someone you may not know, but people in your network might know them. Don’t limit your network to only those whom society considers influential. 

7. Serve somewhere in your community. Build Goodwill through volunteerism. For example, volunteer time in the local high school’s activities and events. At that time, you’re not representing your company or organization. You're just citizen  that's helping out. 

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