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Adjunct Life Instructors
Alton and Shavaun Jackson

Alton and Shavaun Jackson

Alton and Shavaun Jackson
Critical Success Factors

Critical Success Factors

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Alton and Shavaun Jackson

Adjunct Life Instructors and Domestic Missionaries: The Givers of Hope Experience

Alton and Shavaun Jackson have been working in ministry over 25 years. They are a couple that lives and moves by Faith. They have been commissioned by God to reestablish worship in the hearts of men. They are called to give hope in spite of their own trials, but in those moments God has used them to be a conduit of hope. They are Givers of Hope!


They are currently serving as domestic missionaries working with local churches, volunteering their services in overseeing the worship, and providing training and guidance for the youth ministry in the area of worship.


They're also providing assistance with an outreach program and ministry known as Celebrate Recovery. This is a Christ-centered, 12-step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurts, hang-ups, and habits of any kind.


In addition to all of that, they also facilitate a weekly online Bible study for women.

It is our honor to acknowledge and provide ordination and covering for their ministry appointment in multi-fold ministry expressions (apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral and teaching), along with gifts of helps and administration that have already come forth through their lives; and provide covering for their roles, as mature ministers and leaders in the Body of Christ.


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All books and material offered are intended to enhance the spiritual care and wellness core of the Fruitful Life Education students within the STEP Forward Life Institute™.

As a searcherdemic, life education affiliate of United Graduate College and Seminary International, STEP Forward offers accelerated, ministry-accredited certificate courses.  ​​

STEP Forward empowers its students to understand and navigate through the process of uncovering and thriving in their part of God's dream for humanity. 
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We are a Learning Community because Christ said: "Take My yoke upon you and LEARN FROM ME [following Me as My disciple], for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. For My yoke is easy [to bear] and My burden is light.”  --- Matthew 11:29-30


A Community of Seekers, Students and Servants

© Since 2004 by Fruitful Life Network of Ministries, Inc.

Biblical Counsel, Coaching and Mentoring

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